Improving workplace health & safety through collaboration

RETHINKing Occupational Safety and Health : Post COVID-19 Crisis

Author/Publisher: Alexia Mangansakan
Date Posted: June 02, 2021
July 28 - 28, 2021 (08:00 AM - 05:00 PM) via zoom Manila


To all SafetyHow Members:

Do you know the NEXT STEP you need to take to prepare and ensure the Safety and Health of your employees and your organization even after this pandemic?


You can choose to be prepared and we can help you with that!


Choose to RETHINK Safety and Health Management and the Best Practices we can do post COVID-19 Crisis.


COME JOIN OUR VIRTUAL EVENT!! (Registration is FREE, E-Certificates signed by DOLE-OSHC Speakers will be given to participants and we will be giving away PRIZES and FREEBIES along the way!)


Fear not! One of the Perks you get is automatic reservation of a slot in our virtual events or webinars (Just like this) So you get a hassle free E-learning experience, we signed up already for you and have given you priority! That's how special you are!

(**NOTE: this applies to EXISTING SafetyHow Members who joined even before the start of this Virtual Event promotion. Same will apply to members who joined just now. They will be reminded that they are prioritized and will be reserved a slot for the next event we will organize.)

So go ahead and save the date and be part of this whole day virtual event that will discuss how to plan better, be forward thinking and invest in the best practices needed particularly in this time of the post coronavirus /COVID-19 that will enable the safety and health of your employees, your organization – and yourself-- no matter what field, thus securing business continuity and a high Return of Investment for your business and organization!

We are grateful that you have chosen to join our online professional safety and health community that aims to strengthen and improve safety and health best practices through social collaboration.


(**NOTE: slots that are available due to members not present or will not join will be given to others willing to attend the event.)


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